- The amplifiers carry warranty of 1years from the date of purchase.
- The all brand speakers carries warranty of 1 year from the date of purchase woofer 1 year warranty
- 90% advance for material balance after completed work
- Above mentioned prices are Inclusive of all taxes.
- All the projector carries warranty of 1 years (for entire machine except bulb)
- The bulb warranty will be 90 days or 500 hrs which ever falls earlier from the date of installation
- The cables and pipes lying to be drawn by your in house electrician with our advice.
- Warranty is not covered when lightening , high voltages, fire, power fluctuations,
- 2% extra will be charge on credit / debit card payments
- Model /price change by company/Dollar/Euro, etc that difference price has to be bare by customer & as per advance payment, stock will be purchased.1st cables & consultation.
- Validity of this quote is 7 days of quotation date and copy signed, any price changed before stock buying ($/any exchange) that difference has to be paid by customer.